Saturday, November 3, 2012

Anthem Post

Why is love forbidden in this society? What do you think caused the leaders to reprimand love?

The goal of this society is only one simple thing: do everything for the good of others and of the whole. Everything must be aimed away from the individual. No one should do anything for themselves; that would be selfish, and would only help that one person. This society believes that if anything should ever work properly and orderly and in harmony, it must be done wholeheartedly for their brothers. If one’s heart is longing for another more than for their brothers, all of their work will be aimed toward that love, and not the society. 
It is not proper in this society to love any one person more than another. There are no best friends or acquaintances or the hated, there are just brothers. Love opens a door from soul to soul, a relationship that is stronger than any other, and that one person becomes the only important thing. Love is a feeling curled up inside oneself, that is both selfish and selfless—but only for the other soul that it belongs to. 
Love believes in freedom, in spreading its wings and flying away from anything that ever contradicted it. Those feelings can stir up new feelings which can lead to the introduction of the thought of rebellion against the orderly robotic society. Love is natural and intangible and flexible and free. Love is the opposite of society; they are enemies. Love is all about the individual. This is why love was reprimanded; society was scared of it. 

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